Hello! I guess I will introduce myself. I am a 28 year-old student in the field of Fashion. I am originally from Brazil, and I moved to the US in 2005 (so please forgive my grammar mistakes). I graduated in Fashion Design in 2003 and now I am finishing a Degree in Patternmaking Technology from FIT.
I love sewing and making things -- it can be anything like: crochet, knitting, cards, etc..--, that is why in this blog I intend to write about Fashion, Style, Art, Decoration, and some of my own creations.
Lately I just left my part-time job of Designer/Lay-outer of a Home Design/Window Treatment company to intern for a great high-end Fashion Designer. It has been an intense transition.
Meanwhile, I will continue to sew my own creations, and I am hoping to start designing a little more clothing along with my bags, which I post on Etsy.
Here are some of my purses:

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